August 26, 2022 - Chatham County was recently awarded the ACCG – Group Health Benefits Program Health Promotion & Wellbeing Grant by ACCG, Georgia s County Association.
LaFayette, GA - Walker County Government was recently awarded a $6,000 Employee Safety Grant from ACCG – Group Self-Insurance Workers’ Compensation Fund (ACCG-GSIWCF). ACCG’s Employee Safety Grant Program rewards local governments that foster a culture of workplace safety through additional training, equipment or services. Walker County purchased additional safety equipment with the grant money. The Road Department…
LaFayette, GA (January 5, 2022) Walker County Government was recently awarded a $6,000 Employee Safety Grant from ACCG – Group Self-Insurance Workers’ Compensation Fund (ACCG-GSIWCF). ACCG’s Employee Safety Grant Program rewards local governments that foster a culture of workplace safety through additional training, equipment or services. Walker County purchased additional safety equipment with the grant money. […]
Post Date:12/08/2020 9:09 AM
In today s world, municipalities, counties, government entities, schools, and businesses experience critical incidents that can escalate quickly into crises before leadership is aware and can intervene.
As a result, Georgia Municipal Association (GMA), Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG), and Local Government Risk Management Services (LGRMS) worked with CrisisRisk to develop the Crisis Coordinator Certification Program™. The Crisis Coordinator e-learning training and certification have been designed to familiarize a crisis coordinator in each local government entity with the information needed to recognize, identify, alert and support leadership before, during, and after a crisis.
Douglasville s Human Resources Generalist, Dr. Bryan Westfield was selected for the CrisisCoordinator Program and has completed Certification as a Crisis Coordinator. The CrisisCoordinator Certification Program was designed to empower Crisi