jamie. he had no chest pain. it s a different thing when you re having a heart attack. that s a life saving phenomenon. this is a man who rides his bike. he s active. he doesn t smoke. doesn t have sedentary life. they found it. is prophylactic cardiac stent the way to go? doing it before we have a problem. before a heart attack, you mean? that s a question i d like marc to answer. that s what he deals with. let me jus ask, can i put that picture up again? i want to mention we re only using the president as an example. someone who s fit and someone who on routine exam smart enough to be checked found this. i want to put that picture of the stent actually to have dr. segel explain as well. because the stent went in and opened the artery we re talking about. now the blood flow is better. i bet you feel better immediately. absolutely. you made a great point, jamie. president bush for sure, i guarantee you, wants this to be about lessons americans can learn. not about himself. the
evolving to risk. and that s going on. when the doctor, you have a post nasal trip and sinus infection, prescribe an antibiotic. do i need this or goes away by itself. juliet: people say i m feeling sick. let s get to z-pack, let s get a z-pac, prescribed to everybody. right, and the doctors are ease toy write the prescriptions. why are they doing that? if that s the case. it s a knee jerk reaction. and we re supposed to be showing we re helping you. a truth is a lot of these are plain viruses that recovers on its own and you might be getting a good humidifier and fluid intake and you would be fine. is that the best recommendation to stop taking antibiotics? if it s necessary, kelly, this is a life saving phenomenon.