After the swearing in of the FHUSD School Board members on Wednesday, Jan. 11, a discouraging thing happened. Newly elected board members Libby Settle and Madicyn Reid did their best
Three new members joined the Fountain Hills Unified School District Governing Board last Wednesday, Jan. 11. After a call to order and pledge of allegiance, Lillian Acker, Madicyn Reid and
The Fountain Hills Unified School District Governing Board will host a business meeting tonight, Wednesday, Jan. 11, at 6 p.m. Board members elect will be sworn into office, and then
Last week, The Times recapped some of the biggest events of the school year in Fountain Hills. This week, The Times will focus on major events from over the summer
The Fountain Hills Unified School District Governing Board voted last Wednesday, Dec. 14, to consolidate grades K-5 at the current middle school campus and move grades 6-8 to the high