williams, a to mike pence, at the center of all this, both testifying behind closed doors, the president s call was unusually concerning, no doubt about the investigation, calling it, quote, inappropriate. special envoy kurt voelker and tim morrison take the hot seat, two more transcripts were released of depositions under secretary of state for political affairs david hail. david holmes, ambassador taylor, aided the ukraine embassy, told lawmakers he over hazard the phone call between the president and ambassador gordon sonland, the president only cared about an investigation into the bidens, doesn t care about ukraine. holmes was called to testify thursday. we learned donald trump may be considering an invitation to testify tweeting yesterday even though he did nothing wrong he was considering it. republicans on this committee think that is a bad idea.
passionate need, i would argue a pathological need to try to destroy the president even if in the process they cripple themselves. all of us who try to talk about fact misunderstand the conversation. this is a drama. this is a drama in which adam schiff and nancy pelosi and others are living out their fantasies, desperation because deep down they think trump is going to be reelected and they are faced with a nightmare. jillian: the house is conducting hearings, the official judgment on impeaching donald trump comes from the senate and the 2 thirds majority vote. rob: lawmakers in sarasota, florida are considering resolution to declare the county a second amendment sanctuary for gunowners. it sends a message to politicians residents support the right to bear arms. of approved sarasota would be the third county in the state to
declare itself a second amendment sanctuary. jillian: donald trump s position setting the record straight about his recent visit to the hospital. the doctor is a letter saying last weekend s trip to walter reed military medical center was part of, quote, a routine plan interim checkup adding the president has not had any chest pain nor was he evaluated or treated for any urgent or acute issues. rob: monday night football, kansas the chief holding off the la chargers despite a surge in the fourth quarter. steps up to the end zone, intercepted. jillian: the chiefs taking down the chargers 24-17, the game was played in mexico city. 10 minutes after the hour republicans getting an early christmas president, a fisa abuse hearing is on the books, what could it mean for the
lying trash, former un ambassador nikki haley hitting back in a tweet saying it is absolutely uncalled for and disgusting. george conway is the last person, george conway did responded in a series of tweets. the world s biggest pathological while liar donald trump is a, quote, truthful man, that is the very essence of disgusting, trashy and pathetic, utterly shameless and transparent dishonesty. he went on to say you will say anything to get the vice presidential nominee, won t you? the ugliness spilling over on social media. stephen on twitter said if you can t beat them call them names. what is wrong with him? another twitter user timing and defending her performance during the impeachment hearing saying she was totally professional.
half-hour and fabricating logs to make it look like they did. epstein is believed to have hung himself in new york jail. the senate will hold a hearing as they investigate possible mistakes from the federal bureau of prisons. a live look at capitol hill where in just hours, week 2 of the public impeachment hearings are set to begin, four witnesses will testify including an advisor to the vice president. donald trump says he is willing to testify even though he doesn t want to give credibility to the probe. rob: reaction pouring in from the law enforcement community after new york city mayor and potential 2020 hopeful michael bloomberg reverses his stance on a policy pushed for years, stop and frisk. no question it has saved countless lives. back then i was wrong. and i am sorry. reporter: joining me with reaction is u.s. army veteran darren porcher. let s look at some numbers. i want to look at numbers on homicide.