is in this battle with marjorie taylor greene. maybe i can be the peacemaker because they will inherit the eart h. we ll see. now we ll also hear from house ways and means cmi chairman jason smith. earlier today, his committee released bombshell testimony from not one but two irs whistleblower. now, based on their serious allegations. get this payons, get close atte. it appears the department of justice, she thought it was corrupt, even more corrupt. thi this is a corrupt organization. they wennizationt to great lengs to protect joe and hunter biden from eved r facing criminalchar charges. despite what is a mountain ogesf damning evidence, according to these whistleblowers, the irs recommends se felony taxns charges against hunter after they uncovereder get this, $8.3 million that he took in that was mysteriously excluden d from hunter biden s tax returns. now, that income cam reture fori entities in ukraine, romania and china. that sraine, romania a only thr. what about russ
and to see whether or not we re getting equal justice. a nonpartisa eqn commission likeike the 911 commission to examine top to bottom,cause because the american public does notth the justice system i today. that s a fact. let mes a fact give a quick 30 l seconds to break. fbi and the department of justic gree are corrupt. chris wray and merrick garland should be tossed out on their casters. and the only way to do thatts is to have different president in the white house. it s it is outrageous thateot this u.sha. attorney has letp on hunter biden go with a slap wri on the wrist a couplste misdemeanors completely overlookinemeanorsg the foreigno practices act, crimes committerd fara violation crimes committed bribery, extortion. the list goes on and on. i could spend an hour describing it at all, but the biden family