LETHBRIDGE HERALDabeeber@lethbridgeherald.comA donation to the Lethbridge Food Bank on Wednesday by Age Care Columbia underscores the need for year-round
A group specializing in helping southern Albertans is offering a hand up, not a hand out. Calgary Family Peer Connections, a mental health nonprofit that
Blaine Hyggen Mayor of Lethbridge Saturday is the big day! Last month, I issued a community challenge to help out local food banks – and you responded!
Motorists bringing in their vehicles to make sure all fluids were topped up heading into the winter months also did their part to top up the Lethbridge
The Hurricanes will be showered with fur tomorrow night at the event s 25th annual game against the Brandon Wheat Kings when the Toque and Teddy Bear Toss returns for the first time in two years.