but if you ask the average voter what the top issues of the biggest complaint afghanistan doesn t rise to the surface. this is the problem with the blizzard of crisis is difficult to communicate the extent and the depth of the failures from this administration so we need to remind them on a daily basis. i encourage everyone to fill up your car with gas and go grocery shopping before you vote and reminder of why we are voting as we are. so with the blizzard of crisis all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we re hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we re providing greater access to investing,
and then people coming out to the event and those who want change they want leadership they don t want career politicians 30 years and already has nine bills across the line number one she is so extreme nobody wants to work with her to get the bills across the lines of washington state was the leader and does not need seniority but motivation principal and the voters know they sent me to dc that s when i will take the halls of congress. steve: we did ask patty murray to come on she did not accept the invitation but what is the argument how does that play right now and how someone like
we can be six days from losing our boulevard of historians are allowed to write if there is still of free publishing house in a free press which i m not search enough but if that is true history will say what is at stake tonight and this week was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future. whether our children will be arrested or killed the brutal authoritarian system. steve: know it s not a deep fake that is real once respected james clyburn admitting that their spending calls their inflation into rapid conspiracy theories claiming america would be like nazi germany. that would be repudiated to
leading the party. they are now the working-class party. steve: and i use the phrase four years a multiracial working-class coalition it just happened quicker than any of us imagined so we don t talk about this race. a real election denier by the way. she will lose on tuesday. great to see you both and we will be right
think we should take this lightly how guys tell her my wife will vote for you and for a long time the republicans have taken those suburban women voters for granted. we need to consider the candidates we are putting out there because we need to make gains in the african-american community and went back the republican women we have lost. steve: if you look at what is happening in the detail on - the details. and then the democratic playbook to make us hate each other the race card is being played critical race theory not the issues that you mention in your opening statement they want to divert our attention american public will send them a resounding no.