is in this battle with marjorie taylor greene. maybe i can be the peacemaker because they will inherit the eart h. we ll see. now we ll also hear from house ways and means cmi chairman jason smith. earlier today, his committee released bombshell testimony from not one but two irs whistleblower. now, based on their serious allegations. get this payons, get close atte. it appears the department of justice, she thought it was corrupt, even more corrupt. thi this is a corrupt organization. they wennizationt to great lengs to protect joe and hunter biden from eved r facing criminalchar charges. despite what is a mountain ogesf damning evidence, according to these whistleblowers, the irs recommends se felony taxns charges against hunter after they uncovereder get this, $8.3 million that he took in that was mysteriously excluden d from hunter biden s tax returns. now, that income cam reture fori entities in ukraine, romania and china. that sraine, romania a only thr. what about russ
intelligence leak atk at the pentagon. so is the biden administration now incapable of guardin ge our most sensitive secrets? and is china now gearing up to invade taiwan? it certainly looks likainly e is and it continues to openly u threaten us , the united states of america. our question tonight,ent wh joe biden, you re the president . what are you goingat to do abou us ?ask senato we ll ask senator marco rubio. he will join us rubio.. and is is biden allowing the climate alarmists religious cult to destroy our economy? our we have a report on that. and later, we re going to give kid rock and opportunity. and he has a very important ver message for bud light and anheuser-busch. imrtanjust does.anheus and it will tell you about that in a minute anyway.t in a but first, our two tiered t stem of justice. sadly, it is alive and well, te and every american better pay attention to this. it should scare al l of you. tonight, in his first interview following last week s arraignment
either. norland, they nevet joe biden, karine jean-pierre, not ron klain. nobody either. told us . they also failed to mention that top secret documents are, in fact, discovered at the penn biden center on november 2nd. november 8th was the midterm election nearly a week beforeeyd the midterms. now, they hid this discovery t from you. the american people, until it was leaked to the press.s le but that was a whopping sixty eight days later. days l. and by the way, in the interim, while all this was going, they they did, in fact, appoint spe a special counsele to investigate donald trump. so as of t now, wehe still have documents were uncovered i have idea why the classified documents were uncovered in the first place. e anand self-proclaimed most transparent white house in history. well white ho, they won t tell us th thing. so what are they hiding? and do we have a dual justice system? once again, one system for fhe the clintons and mydans and one system for the the trumpse t
and to see whether or not we re getting equal justice. a nonpartisa eqn commission likeike the 911 commission to examine top to bottom,cause because the american public does notth the justice system i today. that s a fact. let mes a fact give a quick 30 l seconds to break. fbi and the department of justic gree are corrupt. chris wray and merrick garland should be tossed out on their casters. and the only way to do thatts is to have different president in the white house. it s it is outrageous thateot this u.sha. attorney has letp on hunter biden go with a slap wri on the wrist a couplste misdemeanors completely overlookinemeanorsg the foreigno practices act, crimes committerd fara violation crimes committed bribery, extortion. the list goes on and on. i could spend an hour describing it at all, but the biden family
son or my brother or anyone else in having to do with theirh business, period. and whaterr anybod i will do iss same thing we did in sam our administration, an absolute will wall between personal and private and the government. do you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your son s overseas business? i stanon s d by that statement. all r if business associates, they didn t talk business with joe. what were they talking about? over 80 timeifhey didn s tonigh? it is evident the two tieredton system of justice, it is alive and well in this country.iv here with reaction, the author of the new book. it s a best seller at trump, harvard law professor alan dershowitz, also the author of the soon to be released trial of the century fox news legal analyst greg jarret is with us . let mes lega start with you, gr, because bragg now is suings th jim jordan over the trump indictment. are wep talking about federall money? going to brag, number one money .