Several charges against Le’Keian Woods, whose arrest sparked outrage in September, were downgraded by the State Attorney’s Office, according to court documents.
Several charges against Le’Keian Woods, whose arrest sparked outrage in September, were downgraded by the State Attorney’s Office, according to court documents.
The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is monitoring the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office after Le’Keian Woods’ attorneys sent a request to investigate the incident and other similar incidents involving “excessive force.”
The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is monitoring the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office after Le’Keian Woods’ attorneys sent a request to investigate the incident and other similar incidents involving “excessive force.”
One day after the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office released partial body cam footage of the forceful arrest that was caught on video and went viral online, the agency released another video that offers a different perspective to the arrest video that has prompted accusations of police brutality.