for college graduates, you ll do better than you will if you have just a high school diploma. at the same time it is a luff job market and people are incurring all this debt because somehow it s all going to work out because they get into a career they love. we ve talked to people that guy you laerd from has $72,000 in debt, a master s degree, a job at a wore ders bookstore. he can t pay it off. they started garnishing his wages. about a quarter of his take-home pay goes to that debt. there are few consumer protections with student loans. it s a tough situation. what about the role of universities and colleges themselves and the percentage increase in tuitions each and every year is ridiculous, actually, truth be known when you re paying them. why is the scope of these increases so prevalent? well, a lot of it has to do with state budgets. that s the short answer to it