VICTORVILLE High Desert residents can pick up a FREE reusable/refillable 1 lb. propane cylinder at the City of Victorville Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center (HHWCC) on Saturday, August 12,
small offered engines, the kinds you find in things like leaf blowers, lawnmowers to be zero emissions. california has 16.7 million of these, about 3 million more than passenger cars on the road. which i wouldn t necessarily have bet that was the case. and even though the engines are small, they are emission nightmares. let s take leaf blowers, for instance. like other lawn care equipment, especially the kind you have to carry they typically have what s called a two-stroke engine which allows them to be powerful and lightweight. that s why they use two stroke engines. a 2011 test performed by automotive information website edmonds found that if you fire up a two-stroke leaf blower for just 30 minutes, say, clearing off the yard and the driveway, that leaf blower would release about as many hydrocarbons as if you drove a 2011 ford f-150