There was no such wiretap activity. The National Security adviser essentially could be blackmailed by the russians. I think its very, very unfair whats happened to general flynn. The president of the United States is under criminal investigation for his conduct in office. Regardless of recommendation i was going to fire comey. The trickle down crowd is now having a beer party in the rose garden. Thats the group. Its a completely sterile presidency. If you want to eat an elephant, eat it one bite at a time. He doesnt have a role now in the Trump Administration. We condemn this display of hatred and display on many sides. On many sides. There is no moral equivalency between the kkk, the n e onazis and anybody else. Rocketman is on a Suicide Mission for himself. It is in nobodys interest to out kim jongun. There he is tossing single rolls of paper towel into a crowd of people on an island where 95 of its citizens dont have power. I think its now acknowledged what a great job we have done.