/PRNewswire/ Short Shorts Film Festival & ASIA 2022, accredited by the Academy Awards, collaborated with Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT).
When this year's Short Shorts Film Festival and Asia opens in June, audiences will have access to a wide range of films including the first Japanese movie written by an artificial intelligence bot to selected works of 13 up-and-coming Japanese directors aspiring to make their names at home and abroad.…
When this year s Short Shorts Film Festival and Asia opens in June, audiences will have access to a wide range of films including the first Japanese movie written by an artificial intelligence bot to selected works of 13 up-and-coming Japanese directors aspiring to make their names at home and abroad.
BUDAPEST: Kristóf Deák's debut feature Captives / Foglyok is currently screening in over 15 cinemas in the Netherlands, where it was released on.