in the sky. u.s. satellite saw the heat signature of that exfloegs the sky and today we also have learn ed that the u.s. intelligence community was able to voice match, if you will, intercepts from ukrainian separatists, pro-russian separatists, claiming they shot down they thought they shot down a transport plane. now they have voice matched those recordings to known separatists. one of the most concerning pieces of evidence, one of the most direct links possibly to the russia side of the border, the u.s. also says it has intelligence evidence there is a site just across the border in russia where the separatists have been getting training in the surface-to-air missile systems. fred? wow. all right, barbara starr, thanks so much for that information. still to the come, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu sits down with cnn s wolf blitzer and calls for the demilitarization of gaza. we ll have that discussion straight ahead. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial t