coffin. god forbid his son died of cancerfin.d forbid. that s tragic. but he lies about the simplest things. here s a guy whose l he said no comment about maui. here is a guy who s supposed to unify the country. he s a moderate. he s for abortion. anyone, an maui.y, anywhere, ant and he s not a moderate. he passed he s let 7 million people come over the southern border. that s higheovrder. r than the population of 31 states in this country. and he impassive inflation reduction act it does no such thing. key poin. t the polls i noticed t today 66% say that joe bidenheem is the economy. sean quote, very poorly. for donaldy poorly trump, it wag saying the economy was very good in january 2020,. right before covid, the exac t opposite judgment by the public. i don t thinthe puk biden canon recover. he s never had independents on his side, eve n people who voted for him last time are taking a look at his policy agendaa.. there s nothing there. the personal attributes, they re all underwater
congress is largely boxed out and also asleep at the wheelg. well, that s right. i just met with the senator who has a legally bound operation. and he said that the add mirn strags will not provide them with an explanation as to how americans congress can force them to do it. well, i agree with it. that s what i said. they re asleep at the wheel. you have congress that wants its duties forever. i mean, this is a key poin, right? the question is a, how much do we know about this, such that we can have a public debate. how much is being capped secret, how much, you know, needs to be kept secret in success of that ie mount.