confence announcing he had confessed. shouldn t that be a concern to tho who work with y and others who believe, as you say you do, in our civilian justice stem. > i beevethe vilian just tus system. i have confident th cilian jue system s ability to handle ese through threats with gard to shahzad and khalid shaikh mohammed. i think we ve conducted ourselves the best with regard to the civilian justice system. i don t think i hve to take back anying i ve said in the past. e of the thingwe did was to get out there earlwas to b se the amican people genera and tha the pers we thought s responsible was, in act, custody. will ksm be tried new york? we re stillin the process of trying to decide where the trial ll occur. wh is the holdup? erybody seems to be sying this is forgone chon collusion? we re taking a look at all r optns and trying to decide where the case can best be
confessed. shouldn t that be a concern to tho who work with y and others who believe, as you say you do, in our civilian justice stem. > i beevethe vilian just tus system. i have confident th cilian jue system s ability to handle ese through threats with gard to shahzad and khalid shaikh mohammed. i think we ve conducted ourselves the best with regard to the civilian justice system. i don t think i hve to take back anying i ve said in the past. e of the thingwe did was to get out there earlwas to b se the amican people genera and tha the pers we thought s responsible was, in act, custody. will ksm be tried new york? we re stillin the process of trying to decide where the trial ll occur. wh is the holdup? erybody seems to be sying this is forgone chon collusion? we re taking a look at all r optns and trying to decide where the case can best be tri. the are feeral statutes we