which he has done before. it s a jurisdiction issue about who can be interviewed which is why they re asking for special counsel. harris: s a politically speaking what i hear you saying is with this attorney general do well for himself to do what he can do? you can wait for a second special counsel and you can do all of that, but there are some things that sessions can do at this point. on this issue, on the hillary clinton issue, what things are favored or unfair in her favor in the investigation, what he can do regardless of his recusal for the russia investigation. why not do it? lawrence: americans being spied on abuse, doesn t mean that the attorney general has to come to the conclusion immediately before the investigation starts. he can appoint a u.s. attorney, deputy a journey to find a conclusion of the investigation.
covered for. they re not affected by the statements of high-profile figures. marie: forget about the constitutional argument about not being able to send him to gtmo because he is a legal permanent resident and there s a constitutional argument that the judge said against that. the question is the speedy trial happens here. they have a no loss record in these cases. david: is also a bigger issue. one of the failures of going to gtmo, intelligence is on a timeline on what is valuable. he has a limited timeline when he is valuable as an intelligence asset or being interrogated. and also in the jurisdiction issue, that can be changed in congress and they can attack this. these are enemy combatants, we need to address jurisdiction when it comes to people waging war on the united states. they are waging war. we can t wait to criminal prosecution. harris: we are going to stay in court but how about tha