How the individuals acquired the virus is under investigation.
Of the 12 new cases reported yesterday for February 13-16, two are from the Juneau School District – an individual at Harborview Elementary School and an individual at Juneau-Douglas High School.
Contact tracing of both individuals did not reveal any close contacts within the schools. In-person instruction has not been impacted at either school.
37 are residents and three are nonresidents.
The state also reports one death – a male Anchorage resident in his 60s – bringing the total number of resident deaths to 286.
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - The City and Borough of Juneau Emergency Operations Center are reporting 12 new individuals identified with COVID-19 over the time of February 13th - 16th.
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - New vaccine eligibility guidelines were released by the State and allows new groups to sign up for the February 11th-12th vaccine clinic, but almost half an hour later CBJ announced all appointments were filled.
The next tier, Phase 1b Tier 2, includes People aged 50 years or above with a high-risk medical condition, People 50 years or above working as a frontline essential worker, Pre K-12 and child care education staff, and People living or working in other congregate settings.
These groups are currently eligible to sign up for the February vaccine clinic organized by Juneau Public Health Center, Bartlett Regional Hospital, Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, and City and Borough of Juneau.