Roslyn Compton, associative professor at the College of Nursing at the University of Saskatchewan, said caregivers can often feel isolated and unsupported.
A new study from the Saskatoon Council on Aging and the University of Saskatchewan are looking forward, beyond the pandemic. A survey is currently liv.
The Saskatoon 82-year-old says she’s not hearing when she can get the COVID-19 shot. “I heard people over 80 years living independently have been contacted in Wakaw, Rosthern and Shellbrook. Then you sort of think, what about Saskatoon,” Finlayson told CTV News. Finlayson, a former high school vice principal, was told to wait and someone would call her, so that’s what she did. She said she felt frustrated recently when she heard about the plan to vaccinate people age 70 and over starting in April. That left her wondering why she wasn’t being called yet and hearing similar frustration from others in her age group.
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Murray May will walk 500 miles, and then he’ll walk 400 more.
The Saskatoon senior has set an ambitious walking goal of 900 miles (1,448 kilometres) before his 90th birthday in August.
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May, who lives in Luther Tower, an independent-living seniors complex near the University of Saskatchewan, is trying to make the best of a tough situation. Many seniors are feeling cooped up, isolated, bored and lonely. He wants to inspire anyone who can to get outside and go for a walk.