one of those hero officers was sergeant ron helus, the community that loved hmm, honoring him with a solemn procession. with me is julie novak, a colleague of sergeant helus . our deepest condolences to you and your office. how are you holding up? thank you. not very well. it s really hard. it s ron was an amazing guy. great co-worker. he was a guy that always went everywhere and did everything and energized everybody. and we re all feeling this. i ve known him for 24 years and so it s hard. i just heard that dad talk and it was heart wrenching. this whole community is feeling this. it s just unexplainable. we are all feeling it with you. i know you not only, you know,
you process. so you were there with your step dad. did you know anyone else there? are all your friends accounted for? the friends that i had that were there were all accounted for. some people that i wasn t able to get ahold of i saw on tv later so i knew that they were okay. and my good friend actually who works behind the bar, she wasn t in that night so, you know, she s there every wednesday and she called in sick. yeah, but everybody i knew got out. good. here s my last question. i was just talking to a sergeant, i m sure you ve heard the story of sergeant ron helus, who happened to be around the corner, was on the phone with himself his wife, he said, honey, i have to go, i love you,