Hillsborough County representatives and solar non-profit groups met Thursday at Sweetwater Organic Community farm to announce the launch of solar co-op in the county.
Bradenton homeowners Alice Newlon and Thomas Skoloda.
More than 60,000 homes, businesses and billboards are powered by solar energy across Florida right now, and one nonprofit is trying to increase that number by getting residents to purchase through multiple groups.
Florida has clusters of homeowners joining forces to sign up for solar power.
Solar United Neighbors, or SUN, is a national nonprofit that brings people together through solar co-ops. If you thought about your interest in going solar and shopping around with different installers, this simplifies the project by bringing in education and information about solar technology, and a competitive bid process that gets some great pricing and equipment by a group of solar homeowners going together, said Julia Herbst, the Gulf Coast program coordinator for SUN in Florida.
Nearly a year and a half ago, we left the office to work from home, and instead of communicating with our colleagues face-to-face, we now talk to them on Slack. At all hours. With evidence that remote workers are spending longer than ever at their jobs, we decided to see what happens when we stop spending time on Slack and email outside of work hours for a week.
Predictably, I failed the test: I was working on an article about how travel interruptions have affected Bali, and due to the 12-hour time difference I had to interview people late at night or early in the morning. Christina, who makes it a policy to leave work behind after hours, did a great job switching off once the workday was over.
SCCF, TCH to co-host program on green energy
By SCCF - | Mar 17, 2021
The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation and The Community House will co-host a virtual presentation, “Solutions for a Sustainable, Renewable Energy Future for Sanibel and the Region,” on March 23 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The conversation will focus on building a green energy future to protect property values, sustain water and ecosystem health, and keep the economy vibrant.
It will feature a panel of four speakers introduced and moderated by Bob Moore. Moore is an SCCF volunteer and co-founder of the Lee County Climate Reality Project with his wife, Ariel Hoover.