Nearly two decades after the theft of a pair of slippers used in “The Wizard of Oz” the man who admits he stole them will receive sentence in Duluth Monday morning. Some of what happened all those years ago has been revealed but not all.
A piece of land next to Garland's childhood home in Grand Rapids was at risk of being lost to commercial development. "It was a shocker," the museum's executive director said about the $45,000 Superior Choice Credit Union donation that made the purchase possible.
A piece of land next to Garland's childhood home in Grand Rapids was at risk of being lost to commercial development. "It was a shocker," the museum's executive director said about the $45,000 Superior Choice Credit Union donation that made the purchase possible.
A piece of land next to Garland's childhood home in Grand Rapids was at risk of being lost to commercial development. "It was a shocker," the museum's executive director said about the $45,000 Superior Choice Credit Union donation that made the purchase possible.
A piece of land next to Garland's childhood home in Grand Rapids was at risk of being lost to commercial development. "It was a shocker," the museum's executive director said about the $45,000 Superior Choice Credit Union donation that made the purchase possible.