the 911 tapes and the john good caughting and all of that. how significant were the 911 tapes to you? the louder tape was the most significant. it went through before the struggle, during the struggle, the gunshot and then after. you had the parents of trayvon martin testifying, you had the family of george zimmerman, friends of george zimmerman testifying about whose voice it was on the 911 call. whose voice do you think it was in. i think it was george zimmerman s. did everyone on the jury agree with that? all but probably one. and what made you think it was george zimmerman s voice? because of the evidence that he was the one that had gotten beaten. so you think because he was the one who had had cuts and abrasions, he was the one getting hit, he was the one calling for help? well, because of the witnesses of john good, saw trayvon on top of george, not