MANILA 3rd District Rep. Joel Chua said Sunday that he remains hopeful that the Quiapo heritage zone bill will get the Senate s support because of the anticipated festive occasions in the coming year.
Melanie Oliveiro skates through the 101 of a retro-themed rollerskating rink located in a carpark, with Jack Ong, Projects & Partnerships Director, The X Agency - an events & marketing firm.
In the first installment of this 6-part series with SPF on scams, Andrea Heng and Joel Chua unpack the ADD, CHECK, TELL (ACT) campaign – why and how to ACT. They discuss year-end related scams, including E-Commerce phishing and malware with Jenny Tong, Planning Officer, Scam Public Education Office, Singapore Poli
Our Guilty Pleasures features the no-holds-barred playlist of Kimberly Chan and Natalie Yeap as they sing through familiar musical theatre favourites. Diving into all facets of the genre where no title is too shameful to make this list, join Kimberly, Natalie and Joel Chua as they take you through musical theatre numbers that will definitely have you singing along!