(Courtesy of Midreshet Lindenbaum) Midreshet Lindenbaum of Ohr Torah Stone has launched a new program called “Shreut Sheli” to support students studying in the midrasha who wish to go on to perform Israeli National Service (Sherut Leumi). The initiative is specifically designed to help students participating in the one-year overseas program by giving them the information, resources and personalized guidance that Israeli students receive more naturally to prepare them for National Service.
(Courtesy of Midreshet Lindenbaum) Midreshet Lindenbaum of Ohr Torah Stone has launched a new program called “Sherut Sheli” to support students studying in the midrasha who wish to go on to perform Israeli National Service (Sherut Leumi). The initiative is specifically designed to help students participating in the one-year overseas program by giving them the information, resources and personalized guidance that Israeli students receive more naturally to prepare them for national service.