ambassador carla hills. she was the u.s. trade representative from 1989 to 1993 under the george h.w. bush administration. during that time, she was the country s trade chief trade negotiator and one of the original nafta negotiators. good see you, ambassador. thank you. it s good to be with you. i want a quote from cnbc, who had chris shelton the president of the communication workers of america this was in 2017 but it s not dissimilar to what a lot of union leaders say. he says trade deals like nafta have been nothing but a string of broken promises for working families. the 200,000 jobs nafta was supposed to create instead morphed into a 700,000 jobs lost and stagnant wages for the jobs that remained. what is your response to that? the facts of what he says about jobs being lost and wages being stag unanimous for american workers are true. is he correct to link that to nafta or to other things? first of all, i don t think