this is a sunshine task force determination finding luis herrera, the city librarian, in violation of withholding public records because the only records they will release are what the friends say they gave and they have nothing they have produced to substantiate anything that the library actually got, whether in cash or in kind. so the library commission is not watching what they re doing although they re raising more than $5 million a year and spending another $2 million of priorly raised assets, the library commission has no idea where that money goes and what they re spending it on. the only one who does is mr. herrera and because i m talking about this, it relates to the statement of incompatible activities. mr. herrera, for one specific thing, gets over $35,000 a year from the friends to spend at his discretion. and he has provided no documents to show other than what he spends it on is taking people to lunch, paying for dues and other things and i ve tried to get a hol
out the names of the committees before we draw them from a box. and i get to select the member of the public. why don t we do different people for each of the three sets. that sounds good. it looks like we have a volunteer. it would you like to do whatever set she considers first. are there any questions or do we take comment before the process or is this simply procedural? are you volunteering? i had public comment on the selection. could i make that now prior to? yes. ok. david pillpel again. you can take a seat. we re going to take public comment about the process or any questions and then we will do the selection. thank you, david pillpel. my concern was, given the number of committees in the total pool and the number to be selected from each category, it appears to be somewhat disproportionate in the 10,000 to $50, 000 level. i understand there are staffing concerns about resources to conduct the audits but my suggestion is to increase the number selected
we ve discussed this at many meetings, staff of the commission and at the library have been very diligent. this is ripe and timely for your action and i support the motion before you. thanks. are there any other comments? seeing none, we ll proceed to the vote. all in favor, please say aye. aye. thank you very much. the next item is selection of random audits for 2011 electoral committee. mr. st. croix, would you or ms. shaikh like to describe the process that we carry on and your estimate here. i have a hearing problem. i m sorry, it s further away than usual. ms. shaikh from the staff will introduce the item on selection of random audits for 2011. ok. so as the memo from staff on this item recommends, we will be selecting five committees for audit and they will be selected from three different levels of financial activity and we will have a member of the public read out the names of the committees before we draw them from a box. and i get to select the member
committees that don t necessarily have many resources and have asked that we focus our attention more on committees with higher levels of financial activity. at this point, let s see if the commissioners have any questions or comments about the allocation or the process. either of you? the only comment that i would have is it does seem to me to make more stones put our efforts into those committees that spend a much greater amount of money than the grass roots committees which really have very limited resources. i think that makes more sense but i d welcome comment. mr. pillpel, you seem to feel we should have more this is a disproportionate number. is that what you re saying? if i can respond, david pillpel. it was just to increase the total number from five to six and select two committees from the $10,000 to $50,50,000 pool o that proportionality is maintained, not to select a lot more. i think the countervailing argument is that those committees that raise and spe
selecting five committees for audit and they will be selected from three different levels of financial activity and we will have a member of the public read out the names of the committees before we draw them from a box. and i get to select the member of the public. why don t we do different people for each of the three sets. that sounds good. it looks like we have a volunteer. it would you like to do whatever set she considers first. are there any questions or do we take comment before the process or is this simply procedural? are you volunteering? i had public comment on the selection. could i make that now prior to? yes. ok. david pillpel again. you can take a seat. we re going to take public comment about the process or any questions and then we will do the selection. thank you, david pillpel. my concern was, given the number of committees in the total pool and the number to be selected from each category, it appears to be somewhat disproportionate in the