Before you on this important subject. Since september 11, there is rarely a day that goes by that i am not asked by someone, are we safer today than we were before september 11 . The answer to that question is never a clear yes or no. In some ways, the answer is yes. In other ways, we have not given it enough attention. We have not anticipated because we cannot anticipate everything. The prevailing view right now among most Security Experts is that we have improved our safety and security with regard to attacks by air. We have improved our safety with regard to attacks by very large wellrecognized terrorist groups. We are now much more of own herbal to attack by either single individuals or much smaller groups who are acting on their own. We have seen a few recent attacks like that, boston being one of them, little rock, fort hood, the attempted attack in times square. The air attack that was foiled over detroit. The one in boston was probably the one that is the one that got everyone