rybicki and corroborated james comey, have been targeted by the president, the republicans and congress. is this because they corroborate james comey? that s a question that we also have to answer. over the weekend and on twitter, three democrats have floated job offers for somebody cake so he can get his pension made whole again, trace. trace: thank you. let s bring in our political panel. adrian elrod is here. and blade blakeman, a republican strategist to george bush. brad, i want to get back to mccabe. let s start with the mueller stuff here. the president has said this collusion investigation is a witch hunt. are you surprised, brad, that he s going after mueller? these tweets? no. i think he s expressing
here to nominate someone and, of course, a very controversial moment when this nominee is going to inevitably get questions about the russia investigation, about the independence of that investigation and how they would protect it from the president potentially. ron, we ve seen a lot of tumult, movement at the justice department over the this past yea year. could the recent attacks on the integrity of these top justice department officials have played a role, influenced her willingness to leave? let me put a graphic up on the screen. all these top justice department officials are gone, the fired acting attorney general sally yates, the recused attorney general jeff sessions, the fired fbi director james comey, fbi chief of staff jim rybicki
money once again but they believe with these key points, that s the best opportunity for congress to get a deal on daca. bret: mike emanuel live on the hill. thanks. this is another fox news alert. we are getting late word tonight on reaction to text messages thought lost but just found. at the center of bias allegations against two former members of the mueller special counsel team. questions surrounding the fbi, catherine herridge is here with how all this came together. writing to christopher wray, the republican chairman of the senate judiciary committee chuck grassley says text from october 26 teen suggests that fbi director james comey s chief of staff jim rybicki believes deputy director and or mccabe should recuse himself from the clinton email case. the more than $700,000 from democrats, including terry mcauliffe for a senate race. fbi lawyer lisa page writes, he
but the president has been taking shots of him at well. and then there s jim rybicki. there are six people on the list that we know of who are in on the evidence, who have evidence of the president s behavior in that matter. of those six, four of them have now been ousted or sidelined at the fbi and smeared by the white house and republicans. four of the six. when comey came up with the evidence that the president had tried to obstruct justice on the russia matter, the preside he backup.
martha: tomorrow as i said, he will talk to jim rybicki. what are you watching for? this is what came out about his involvement, is kind of shocking. not only in the fact his involvement about what comey said but even comey s statement alone, normally it s the attorney general s decision if some one is prosecuted. comey made the point of taking that stand, of sinking his flag at that point. which is also not the director of the fbi s job. so from the beginning, this looked like it was to protect a particular individual, to move them out of harm s way. this is classically what congress should be looking at. also what people must remember, jeff sessions, the attorney general, has said they re looking in, asked investigators to look at this aspect as well. uranium one, the server, et cetera, to see if maybe there should be, could be a second special counsel. so what congress is doing could be important in that the material they gather could end up going to the department of