Buoyed by a grant, Jewish Social Services of Madison is ramping up its addiction support and recovery services with a new Scholar-in-Residence event this upcoming January. JSS has invited Cantor Rabbi Rob Jury, founder and clinical director of the Tikvah Center for Jewish Recovery and Healing in Northbrook, Ill., as the next scholar to speak
Walking through the Beit Olamim cemetery in Madison, Rabbi Renée Bauer recognizes a few names of those who died – often too young – from an addiction-related problem. As the director of spiritual care and outreach at Jewish Social Services of Madison since 2016, Bauer provides Jewish spiritual care and counseling, including helping those struggling
Motivated by her Jewish social justice values, Samantha Angelina, of Madison, partnered with the River Food Pantry to create Food NOW (“Nights Or Weekends”), an outdoor emergency food locker program. These lockers contain a short-term supply of shelf-stable foods that can be accessed by anyone, at no cost. Angelina’s acts of tikkun olam started at
MADISON, Wis. U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan on Wednesday touted his efforts to secure $250,000 in funding for Jewish Social Services of Madison to help with refugee resettlement efforts.