Rebuilding a culture of beauty
Tuesday, December 29, 2020 |
Robert Knight - Guest Columnist Knight
In order to achieve equality, everything had to be leveled and replaced with the gray, lifeless forms of a totalitarian society.
President Trump thinks we should stop paying for ugly government buildings.
On December 21, he announced the formation of a “President’s Council on Improving Federal Civic Architecture.” He wants more of the kind of buildings that tourists flock to see and fewer that resemble Soviet-style “brutalist” designs.
In 2007, my wife and I were in Warsaw, Poland for a World Congress of Families conference. During our cab ride from the airport, we saw miles and miles of ugly modernist architecture foisted on the Polish people by their communist masters.
Trump attempts to turn the tide on ugly government architecture Follow Us
Question of the Day
President Trump thinks we should stop paying for ugly government buildings.
On Dec. 21, he announced the formation of a President’s Council on Improving Federal Civic Architecture. He wants more of the kind of buildings that tourists flock to see and fewer that resemble Soviet-style “brutalist” designs.
In 2007, my wife and I were in Warsaw, Poland, for a World Congress of Families conference. During our cab ride from the airport, we saw miles and miles of ugly modernist architecture foisted on the Polish people by their communist masters.