08:56 EDT, 30 April 2021
A prison governor said Fishmongers Hall attacker Usman Khan was a completely reformed prisoner before he went on to fatally stab two Cambridge graduates.
Will Styles was in charge of HMP Whitemoor in Cambridgeshire before Khan s release in December 2018.
The inquest jury was shown a police document which stated a prison governor - believed to be Mr Styles - spoke glowingly about Khan at Whitemoor in summer 2019, which Khan was invited to attend as a guest upon his release.
The document said: The prison governor told Julia Nix (a Department for Work and Pensions employee) that Khan was a completely reformed prisoner.
Terrorist Usman Khan, 28, wore the black jacket to hide his fake suicide vest on the day he fatally stabbed Cambridge graduates Jack Merritt, 25, and Saskia Jones, 23, at Fishmongers Hall.