Ivica Dacic assessed that Serbia must not join various condemnations and sanctions against Russia because of the situation in Ukraine, because the countries that are asking Serbia to do so did not help in 1999, when Serbia was bombed.
President of the Serbian National Assembly Ivica Dacic received the Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Dimas Jesus Alvarenga Guerra, and said that Serbia and Venezuela have traditionally good and friendly relations.
Ovo na Jarinju je generalna proba kako će reagovati Srbija i međunarodna zajednica. Pitanje je ko je sada mentor ovog što se događa. Nemačka, SAD, neko drugi, .
Predsednik Skupštine Srbije Ivica Dačić, u jutarnjem programu Kurir televizije Redakcije govorio je o stranim ambasadama povodom izjave Saše Jankovića da su strane .