Thank you. What are bookshots . Hopefully, they are a revolution in reading and the way we look at books. At the least they are going to be an evolution. They are under 150 pages, relatively inexpensive, and hopefully impossible to put down. Its like one of my regular books on alex cross, except at, like, 145 pages, very tight. With a bookshot, you can get on the train, you can go to work, you get on the train and go home, and youve read one. So youve accomplished something, which is kind of cool. So the slogan is all thriller, no filler, and is that what makes you think somebody will pick up one of these, rather than a magazine, or go online . Bookshots are like reading a movie. I mean, theres no fat, its just all story, hopefully with good characters. So if you like alex cross, heres an alex cross you havent read before, but itjust happened so quickly. Here in england were going to start with six, so its kind of a category of being alex cross, there will be a zoo, theres one about th