world. and welcome to hannity. an alarming new report from the house judiciary committee in 21. believe it or not, your federal government began asking banks to sift through private transactions from millionsamerin of and search for terms like trump and maga. which so which banks voluntarily handed over that information? and what did the doj do with it? now, the house judiciary committee chairman, jim jordanhr ,will join us with more onwe this whole wesleyan and frankly, dangerous breach of personal privacy. needless to say, the 2024 election cannot happen soon enough. now, thankfullely, are just six days away from the new hampshire primary. x daysaway fronow, one importane many other primaries, the granite staty e allows independents and democrats who register as independentspend to participate in the republican racentsrticipate. over 4000 democrats, by the way, they re now independentmoc they re going to want to vote. it looks like thos, e voteits wl are being directed
this world is a dangerous place. robert kennedy jr.? robert kennedy jr. you know that this is pl dangerous place. is he cognitively strong enough to be your president? pi well, he s never been verdey s, you know.rd all right. ou get you get an a-plus for that a answer. is hn a+e is he up to the job?jo i first of all, let me ask, how many of you here think he is not up to the job? let me hear now, i know thata there s a reluctanceus from politicians in your you re you re a democratic party guy. you said that at the censorship hearing where they censorea d. you and you devoted your life to things you believe in. and it s probably hardate yo for you to say that. but do you really think he s up to the job? no, buin.t i wouldn t i m not reluctant to say that for partisan reasons.