prove it can beat back isis without significant assistance from the u.s. it s important to note msnbc did not shoot this video and does not know the circumstances surrounding or leading up to the events depicted. i m joined by msnbc s cal perry, senior editor for digital and video content that will take us through this little bit. thanks for making the time. the first video you will show us is a major fire fight, the iraqi tribal fighter filmed last tuesday? exactly. believe this is last tuesday. this road runs east to west just east of the city of ramadi. iraqi state tv making that announcement that the battle would only increase for this city and when you take a look at this video, you can see how fierce the fighting is. it s important to note, these supply routes need to remain open if there s going to be a wider offensive like iraqi state tv has said there would be. we also know that there were leaflets today dropped to people who remain in ramadi urging them