want to cut? how do you want to address the entitlement challenges? the president has not laid that out. michael, i think you re usually up to date, but did you read the bill yesterday passed by the house? it doesn t have any specifics on the cuts. there s no specific cuts in there. your party just dodged it again. no, they haven t dodged it again, because republicans have talked about whether it was the ryan plan but no touching of social security of medicare or medicaid. the bill passed. you ve got to get up to date. i m very much up to date. it makes no reference to entitlements. it s all about the easy stuff. you know that. because it doesn t matter. but i agree that party doesn t matter. we re still waiting for the president to tell us specifically what he s going to cut. will you admit the house vote doesn t even talk about medicare, medicaid, all it talks is about more money for
older all the time and you have more and more people with entitlement, who have paid into medicare, who expect to get full medical treat after age 65 and now say we re going to change that system? that s not an arbitrary line. it started at 18, 18.5%, which was the 30 or 40-year historical average on the revenues that come into this country. the 20% is that same period of time average, 30 to 40 years, that s the average we spend. we should be able to live within that means. even the president said he wants us to live within our means. i think we re all saying the same things, we need to live one our means. so we gradually reduce our commitment to people over 65 to keep it below 20. we have to. that s a fact. you can t keep the same commitments, total health care,
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if you re going to constrain the growth in federal spending? one of the most overlooked pieces, if you are rich, you re going to pay more for your medicare. weapon we re willing to consider raising the rear tirmt age, two months we have put these difficult things on the table. we got nowhere. i shouldn t say we got nowhere. we got five democrats yesterday. we overlooked that. it was a bipartisan vote yesterday. you re a good guest on our show. you know your stuff. you can now call me by my name. mr. matthews, i m a big fan. i m happy to be here. can you call me chris. the other day did. matching the record of 61 times. coming up, by the way, what would ronald reagan make of this fight? he signed 18 debt ceiling hikes, agreed to multiple increases in taxes. would reagan even be a republican today? you re watching hardball, only on msnbc.
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