through immigration people are actually going and fighting for our freedom. harris: great questions. also big questions over how so-called sanctuary city also react over entrepreneurship s immigration guidelines. after at least two dozen have reaffirmed their status since his election. new york city mayor bill de blasio said in a statement, quote: this is dramatic policy shift. and it s hard evidence of the trump administration s interest in needlessly tearing apart families and spreading fear in immigrant communities. what we will not do is turn our nypd officers into immigration agents or our jails into holding pens, end quote. appears to agree. and here s its warning, quote: when you tell state and local police that their job is to do immigration enforcement, it translates into unwarned and illegal targeting of people because of thinks race, because of their language, and color of their skin, unquote. does this sort of behavior behavior by the mayor of new york tread on illegality
15,000 more i.c.e. and border patrol agents, and ends catch and release forcing people caught at the border to be detained until their hearing and deports anybody that has been here illegally for less than two years. we have the best team in the business, and here to talk about all of it, i want to start with kristin welker, and she is live at the white house. we just got the new immigration guidelines in the last 24 hours. walk us through how different are they from what we have seen before? reporter: the bottom line is it gives deportation i.c.e. agents more authority to track people, detain and deport them. you mapped out some of the key headlines, the fact there are going to be 15,000 more border agents, and they are going to be able to target not only people with criminal records, but with those who do something wrong, like get stopped with a traffic ticket if it deemed that person is undocumented, and it will
secretary? no. i think that president piento and president trump spoke. i would argue that we have a very healthy and robust relationship with the mexican government and mexican officials. that was sean spicer moments ago at the white house press briefing. our own hallie jackson was asking about the trip. secretary of state rex tillerson and homeland security secretary john kelly will be having later today in mexico city. they ll arrive this evening for talks with the mexican president. meanwhile, house speaker paul ryan is checking out the border with horseback border patrol agents. he s on horseback as well. it is his first public visit to the u.s./mexico border. the trip comes as the trump administration is implementing sweeping new immigration guidelines to arrest and deport undocumented immigrants here in the u.s. nbc s kerry sanders is in mexico city where we ll see secretaries tillerson and kelly later today. kerry, there is no use in
the travel ban. kayleigh mcenany, john pedoris and ana navarro, cnn political commentator. ana, always good to have you here. the fear that comes with the immigration guidelines, you come here illegally, you re here illegally and could be deported. what is the balance of these two things? it does cause fear. i don t think people should be fearful. sean spicer clearly said we don t want to touch daca people or dreamers. people drought in as children or teens and they have lived here and lived well. absolutely. most illegal immigrants are very good people who want a shot at the american dream.
i ve ordered the construction of a great border wall which will start very shortly. c sean: more reaction to president trump s new immigration guidelines to keep america safe, laura ingraham will weigh in. coming up tonight. if you take somebody who s got a legitimate reason to be upset in the first place and you pump them up and it starts to come a call to action, somebody s going to get hurt. sean: out of control alt left propaganda media now say president trump s criticism of their lives could leave to violence. really? cory lewandowski will weigh in, that is more tonight on this busy, busy news nighty me. do it again. there you go. i can do whatever you want. except keep your eyes on the road. now would be a good time to have new car replacement.