care that is about caring, notis killing,. in fact, there is amin coalition of people. there s a coalition of people coming up with a branddica new medical school, the padre pio school o if medicine in twenty , twenty six .thers wo that is going to dulo this very clearly, very ably. of people and if others would lo join a coalition of people who are doing this, i urge themd to send me a message throughhro my website, charles comeaux, secombe or through twitter, e because we have to get off the couch and do something about this. for those of us that see cause we h tuc the writing on the wall here,ica shouldn t the american medical association weigssh in and justu say unequivocally, doctors, the united states don t get to dod statn just becaused is children are depressed? a doctor s job is to help i people make them better, not you killed them, give up on them when their kids well,atn l i wrote , agtt length of losing our dignity, tucker, we have a very, very different health care syst