think deeply concerned by this report. i think half deeply concerned by this report. i think half of the homes have had a court think half of the homes have had a court order think half of the homes have had a court order against him which means these court order against him which means these companies can forcibly go in and install these companies can forcibly go in and install metres. it not like the energy and install metres. it not like the energy companies don t make enough money energy companies don t make enough money as energy companies don t make enough money as is energy companies don t make enough money as is. ijust find the hull story money as is. ijust find the hull story completely upsetting and reprehensible. especially concerning the fact reprehensible. especially concerning the fact that we are in an energy crisis the fact that we are in an energy crisis and the fact that we are in an energy crisis and everyone is in an energy crisis crisis and eve
think half of the homes have had a court think half of the homes have had a court order think half of the homes have had a court order against him which means these court order against him which means these companies can forcibly go in and install these companies can forcibly go in and install metres. it not like the energy and install metres. it not like the energy companies don t make enough money energy companies don t make enough money as energy companies don t make enough money as is energy companies don t make enough money as is. ijust find the hull story money as is. ijust find the hull story completely upsetting and reprehensible. especially concerning the fact reprehensible. especially concerning the fact that we are in an energy crisis the fact that we are in an energy crisis and the fact that we are in an energy crisis and everyone is in an energy crisis crisis and everyone is in an energy crisis and crisis and everyone is in an energy crisis. and they a