Hydrogen 101 with Nor-Shipping: the lowdown on maritime’s fuel of the future
A growing array of ocean industry stakeholders are throwing their hats in the hydrogen ring, identifying the potential of a fuel that, they believe, could help industry, and society, move successfully towards our shared climate goals. With a breakthrough global conference on the horizon – Nor-Shipping Hydrogen Blue Talks – Fuelling the Future – leading experts gather in a virtual roundtable talk to deliver insights, intelligence and the latest news on innovations. The topics discussed here lay the foundations for the new online and physical conference, taking place as part of the Ocean Now initiative at Nor-Shipping’s Nova Studios in Lillestrøm, Norway, on 2 June.
Nor-Shipping’s newly announced Ocean Now initiative aims to set the stage for maritime’s energy transition with the announcement of a new, global conference, Nor-Shipping Hydrogen Blue Talks – Fuelling the Future.
Nor-Shipping gathers hydrogen leaders to map out fuel of the future at Ocean Now
Nor-Shipping’s newly announced Ocean Now initiative aims to set the stage for maritime’s energy transition with the announcement of a new, global conference, Nor-Shipping Hydrogen Blue Talks – Fuelling the Future. Taking place both online and on-site at Nor-Shipping’s Nova Studios in Lillestrøm, Norway, on 2 June, the event will gather global stakeholders to discuss national and international hydrogen roadmaps, with a focus on accelerating adoption and outlining commercial potential for the ocean industries. The programme is being tailored to deliver unique contributors, insight and value for those seeking to understand and access opportunities in this rapidly growing energy segment.
The Hydrogen Blue Talks – Fuelling the future, is an event aiming to set the stage for maritime’s energy transition. Hydrogen’s role in decarbonizing shipping, and the business opportunities for ocean industries, will form a natural focus for proceedings.
The event will gather global stakeholders to discuss national and international hydrogen roadmaps, with a focus on accelerating adoption and outlining commercial potential for the ocean industries. Participants will get input on the very latest innovations, developments and knowledge, highlighted by leading players and policy makers in this key energy niche. Together with a strong group of partners the programme is being tailored to deliver unique contributors, insight and value for those seeking to understand and access opportunities in this rapidly growing energy segment.