Huazhu Group Limited (NASDAQ:HTHT – Get Rating) shares hit a new 52-week low during mid-day trading on Monday . The company traded as low as $24.43 and last traded at $24.43, with a volume of 500 shares changing hands. The stock had previously closed at $27.23. A number of equities research analysts have issued reports […]
Huazhu Group Limited (NASDAQ:HTHT – Get Rating) declared a None dividend on Thursday, March 3rd, Zacks reports. Investors of record on Thursday, March 24th will be given a dividend of 0.40 per share on Thursday, April 21st. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Wednesday, March 23rd. HTHT stock traded down $3.71 during trading on […]
Technology stocks had a lousy start to 2022. QQQ lost 9% of its value in January. Pandemic winners are getting crushed while energy stocks are surging.
The 800+ hedge funds and famous money managers tracked by Insider Monkey have already compiled and submitted their 13F filings for the second quarter, which unveil their equity positions as of September.