farm that led the pigs to the beach. go to the island, swim with the pigs. it s all good. i wondered, why do zebras have stripes? there are four choices. they want to look sexy. camouflage to hide from lions, cool off, or d for bug repellant. i think for mating. the first. a. goodness. but d, bug repellant. horse flies, little buggers that want to suck your blood, they don t like the striped pattern. they are wigged out, confused, so it is to keep the bugs away. why aren t all animals zebra striped? good point. this is a cool video we want to show you. time lapse video under the sea. this is a great barrier reef. this is coral. and sponges. and the reason this is so magnificent, it was set up by a student. if it weren t because of time lapse, there would be no