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Hong Kong Monetary Authority Reveals Implementation Roadmap for Ongoing Development of Open API Framework
Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), which is Hong Kong’s central banking institution that reports directly to the Financial Secretary, has announced the implementation plans for the third and fourth stages of its
Open API framework.
The next steps in the Open API Framework include account information for the 3rd phase and transactions for the 4th phase.
After the implementation of the initial two phases of the Open API framework in January 2021 and October 2019 respectively, the initiative’s development had been suspended as the HKMA was attempting to address potential issues related to data and privacy governance.
Hong Kong Defends Plan To Reduce Corporate Database Transparency By Jerome TAYLOR
04/09/21 AT 4:52 AM
A Hong Kong official on Friday defended plans to curb public access to company searches, a move transparency, media and some business advocates have warned will hamper the exposure of shady corporate dealings.
The semi-autonomous financial hub currently maintains a paywalled Companies Registry listing the registered owners of businesses.
The database has been used by journalists, academics and activist shareholders to unravel global money trails, including wealth amassed by the families of senior Chinese leaders.
The new proposal will mask the home addresses and identification card numbers of owners and directors, limiting the information to correspondence addresses.
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 26): Top Glove Corp Bhd, which has spent RM1.4 billion on share buy-back exercises, is planning to float new shares in Hong Kong to raise up to RM7.7 billion.
In a bourse filling, the world s largest glove manufacturer said the dual primary listing exercise on the main board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange entails the issuance of up to 1.5 billion new shares, representing 18.65% of the group s total issued shares of 8.02 billion. The issue price is to be determined later.
The 1.5 billion new shares also include an additional 195 million shares which may be issued under the overallotment option, if the shares are exercised in full, it noted.