The Historical Society of Polk County will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 28. The meeting will take place at the Polk County Museum, 201 W. Locust, Bolivar. Jerald Andrews will be speaking about his involvement with the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame.
The monthly meeting of the Polk County Genealogical Society will be held Thursday, March 7, at the PCGS Research Facility on the southeast corner of the square in Bolivar. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. with a short business meeting followed by the speaker, Jean Pufahl Vincent, sharing “Treasures and Tales of the Polk County Museum.” The museum, located at 201 W. Locust in Bolivar, is operated by the Historical Society of Polk County. It contains many treasures from Polk County’s history, most of which were graciously donated by Polk County families.
See what’s going on in Polk County! Mark your calendars for these upcoming events. Some events may require registration or admission fees; please contact the organization for more details.
The Historical Society of Polk County will hold its next meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, July 27 in the Polk County History Museum, located at 201 W Locust St. in the old North Ward school building.
See what’s going on in Polk County! Mark your calendars for these upcoming events. Some events may require registration or admission fees; please contact the organization for more details.