WASTE TO PROFIT. A scientist from the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI) suggests an innovative way to make a living from food waste through value adding. Shrimp head, one of the most common food wastes, can be processed to become shrimp powder, which is a highly sellable item in the markets, according to NFRDI. (Photo from NFRDI) MANILA - To mitigate food waste, the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI) pushed to turn some of it into "something valuable." Rosa Bassig, senior science research specialist of the Fisheries Postharvest Research and Development Division of NFRDI, said one of the most common food wastes is shrimp head that can be converted into shrimp powder and can be a potentially good source of income. Based on her study released Wednesday, one kilogram of fresh shrimp heads can produce about 200 grams of shrimp power. "Not bad for business, considering that what would have been just a waste was converted i