EXPROPRIATION ACT (section 25) - Appoints 4 persons as members of the Land Compensation Board, each for a further term to expire on January 12, 2024; appoints 10 persons as members of the Land Compensation Board, each for a term to expire on January 12, 2024.
MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT (section 486) - Effective April 1, 2021, reappoints 8 persons as members of the Municipal Government Board, each for a term to expire on April 15, 2022; effective April 1, 2021, reappoints 10 persons as members of the Municipal Government Board, each for a term to expire on January 12, 2024.
SURFACE RIGHTS ACT (section 3) - Appoints 4 persons as members of the Surface Rights Board, each for a further term to expire on January 12, 2024; appoints 10 persons as members of the Surface Rights Board, each for a term to expire on January 12, 2024.