When it comes to finding health insurance in Germany, should you look online, speak to insurance companies, or work with a broker? KLforExpats weighs it up.
With statutory health insurance companies expected to be short 17 billion euros this year, Germany's health minister wants to increase contribution rates.
Statutory health insurance companies in Germany have published their additional contribution (Zusatzbeitrag) rates for 2022. You could save by switching.
कनाडा में हुए आम चुनाव में भारतीय मूल के 17 नेताओं को जीत मिली है. इनमें न्यू डेमोक्रैटिक पार्टी के नेता जगमीत सिंह और मौजूदा रक्षा मंत्री हरजीत सिंह सज्जन शामिल हैं.