together. maybe president trump will be able to do that. he has omarosa with him and ben carson. steve: is he trying. ainsley: he went to the african-american museum in washington and went with them. maybe can he sit down with folks in the african-american community and we can fix this problem. i think the majority of americans, at least, all want to be together and come together and love one another. he said this is about love. love of country. and that s why he says that he doesn t want immigrants that don t love this country coming over here to commit crimes. that s why he wants them out. steve: okay. so there we are able to offer you what happened in the news yesterday and play the actual sound bites so it all makes sense to you. ainsley: all right. abby, take it away with headlines. abby: i always take brian kilmeade at his word. ainsley: that is even more dangerous. abby: a lot of news to get to today. just hours from now rex tillerson and john kelly will both be heading to mexic