B. Riley initiated coverage on shares of Triumph Financial (NASDAQ:TFIN – Get Rating) in a report issued on Wednesday morning, The Fly reports. The firm issued a neutral rating on the stock. B. Riley also issued estimates for Triumph Financial’s Q2 2023 earnings at $0.49 EPS, Q3 2023 earnings at $0.52 EPS, Q4 2023 earnings […]
B. Riley started coverage on shares of Triumph Financial (NASDAQ:TFIN – Get Rating) in a research report report published on Wednesday morning, The Fly reports. The firm issued a neutral rating on the stock. B. Riley also issued estimates for Triumph Financial’s FY2024 earnings at $2.60 EPS. TFIN has been the topic of several other […]
Triumph Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ:TFIN – Get Rating) has been assigned an average recommendation of “Hold” from the six ratings firms that are covering the stock, MarketBeat.com reports. One analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, four have assigned a hold rating and one has given a buy rating to the company. The average […]
Triumph Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ:TFIN – Get Rating) Director Harrison B. Barnes bought 2,755 shares of the company’s stock in a transaction on Friday, May 12th. The shares were acquired at an average price of $48.12 per share, for a total transaction of $132,570.60. Following the completion of the acquisition, the director now owns 12,750 shares […]
Triumph Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ:TFIN – Get Rating) Director Harrison B. Barnes bought 3,736 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, May 10th. The shares were bought at an average price of $47.92 per share, with a total value of $179,029.12. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now owns 6,005 shares […]